Learn about advanced training with our ACAP
Delivered by world-class instructors the Advanced Canopy Access Proficiency [ACAP] takes things to the next level.
Highline rigging on the ACAP
The ACAP builds on vertical access techniques taught on the BCAP, focusing on lateral movement through the canopy via the use of TENSIONED HIGHLINES.
Other subjects covered include simple, complex & compound PULLEY SYSTEMS, CROSS HAULING, ADVANCED RESCUE, KNOT-CRAFT and how to safely COMBINE & EQUALISE ORGANIC ANCHORS.
Complex rescues from a tensioned highline are a great challenge
Although continuing to focus on static-line ‘SRT’ rope techniques, the ACAP also includes an introduction to the use of FRICTION-HITCHES and arb-style DRT (useful for those students joining us from a more industrial rope access background).
We’re sure you’ll have some questions so here are a few FAQs for starters - please feel free to contact us if there’s something specific you’d like to know more about.
The ACAP incorporates a unique mixture of standard and bespoke rigging solutions with much of the syllabus unique to this course and derived from extensive experience of rigging in remote rainforest locations for wildlife television and scientific expeditions.
Our course attendees come from a wide range of backgrounds, interests and disciplines. Many are involved with film, scientific or exploration projects around the world and often require our training to help them climb efficiently and stay safe whilst photographing wildlife, conducting biodiversity surveys or simply having fun at height in the jungle!
The ACAP is automatically open to all BCAP graduates.
Direct entry (without first completing a BCAP) is also possible depending on your current skill base. Please contact us to chat if you are in any doubt as to whether you already hold the necessary experience to enable direct entry.
All techniques comply with stringent UK HSE regulations.
The ACAP 5-day training course costs £795 + VAT.
Our first ACAP of 2024 is 20th - 24th May Bristol, UK.
contact us to book.
Advanced rigging
Highline rescue of a casualty
Highline manoeuvres
Check that out for a set up!
Also check out our previous posts: World class training on the brilliant BCAP & BCAP Awarded LANRA approval.